Use the magnetic board and pieces for dozens of activities with Spanish or English learners.

  • Create a scene and match the word magnets to the pictures.
  • Name an object. Children place it in the scene.
  • Ask where something is. Children point to the picture.
  • Point to a picture and say it. Have children find the word magnet that matches.
  • Ask ¿Qué es esto? Start by offering choices to make it easier.
    - ¿Qué es esto - un gato o un perro?
  • Practice adjectives by describing the objects and people in the scene
  • Practice prepositions by describing where objects are located. Illustrate sentences with the magnetics.
    - El gato está al lado de la cama.
    - La tetera está en la estufa.
    - El tapete está entre el sillón y la mesa.
  • Sort words or pictures by room, size, initial letter sound or number of syllables. In Spanish, children can sort the word and picture magnets by gender.
  • Choose two words and use them in a sentence. Illustrate the sentence with the magnets:
    - El papá prepara la cena.
  • Create a scene in a room.
    - Talk about the objects as you make the scene.
    - Remove one item and ask what is missing.
    - Add something and ask what has been added.
    - Change the position of objects and ask what has changed.
  • Use the board for following-directions activities:
    - Pon el gato en la cocina.
    - Pon el perro en el tapete.
    - El bebé está cansado. Pon el bebé en la cama.
  • Play 20 questions. One player chooses a picture magnet but doesn’t tell what it is. The other players try to guess by asking yes-no questions. The player who guesses the object puts it in the scene.
  • Put the word magnets on the wrong objects. Children sort them out.
  • Put the word magnets in alphabetical order.
  • Place word magnets face up (or face down) in a pile. One player chooses a magnet and reads the word. Another player places the matching picture magnet in the scene.
  • Put word magnets in the scene. Children replace the words with the picture magnets.
  • Play Veo, veo (I Spy). When a player guesses the object they add it to the scene. You can also start with a scene and take the pictures out.
  • Create a dialog based on a situation:
    - El gato está en la tina. ¿Qué dice la mamá?
    - La jarra está en el piso. ¿Qué dice el papá?
  • Provide a line of dialog. Children create a scene to illustrate the situation:
    - Papá, tengo sed. ¿Me das agua?
  • Tell a story moving the pieces to show the action.
  • Use the board to extend vocabulary and personalize questions:
    - ¿Qué comida se guarda en la nevera?
    - ¿A qué hora vas a la cama?
  • Create characters by inventing details about the people magnets.
    - ¿Cómo se llama la niña?
    - ¿Cuántos años tiene?
    - ¿Qué le gusta hacer?
  • Practice spelling using the word magnets.
  • Match the Spanish word magnets to the English word magnets.
  • Use the word magnets to have students identify cognates or words with the same initial letter in both languages.

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